Tue Feb 6 16:34:16 PST 2007
Roger C. Pao <DMS4_EZI_Pro-review.20.rpao "at sign" xoxy.net>
DMS4 SE E.Z.I. Pro
Learning from my experience with the
I read the forums first.
- I have a V7 PS/2, so I can use the DMS4 EZI.
Center is ground / negative
on the diagnostic LED board.
They should just provide a 9V battery clip with the correct polarity.
- I used 4 AA batteries to provide
instead of the recommended 9VDC.
- I also learned about
available from the
Team Toxic Website.
- DMS4 Pro is able to load ToxicOS to load games to/from HDD.
- DMS4 Lite only has enough flash to load ToxicBIOS which is minus the HDD features.
The DMS4 EZI Pro is very hard to find. I eventually bought one from
www.divineo.cn on 1/22/2007.
It arrived by registered air mail (RA17 3504 381H K) on 1/27/2007 in
perfect condition. I was worried the DSP clip might be broken in transit,
but the DSP clip is no longer perforated.
Installation Notes
Opening the case is pretty straightforward. Just remember which screws
go where. Be gentle. The metal sheet covering the main board has
three plastic hooks from the DVD drive.
The DMS4 Pro SE uses all flex cables.
The one to the LED diagnostic panel and the DSP are the same size.
The v1.4 Installation Manual does not elaborate.
I put the case together and applied power. The power light was
immediately green, the fan was off, the TV had no picture or sound.
I tear the whole thing apart and hook up the LED diagnostic board and
power test it with the main board exposed.
The LEDs are both red and green before power is applied to the PS2.
The LEDs become all green when power is applied.
So it works when it's apart.
Suspecting the metal panel covering the main board, I put masking tape
over all the clips and the modchip. I put the case together a few parts
at a time, testing the LEDs along the way, until it is fully assembled again.
Hook it to the TV, and an original game loads just fine. Okay, at least
it's back to normal.
Burning ToxicOS to a GQ 650MB CD-RW fails to boot.
A KHypermedia 700MB CD-R via burnatonce works fine, and
I proceed to burn ToxicOS to flash, add a 400GB hard disk,
format it to APAEXT to take advantage of > 128 GB, copy a game
from original DVD to HDD, and play from HDD. Success!